

Marcus Gowin is a multidisciplinary industrial designer living in northwest Arkansas who specializes in design, problem solving, and 3D printing. While working on his B/A in Industrial Design, he started a small business that manufactures custom car parts.

His designs push heavily on market integration and user interaction. Marcus' work integrates user experience into the design process early on in order to ensure design relevancy. His designs consistently redefine what's possible with design



The process

Design is iterative. Each step builds upon the previous version. The role of the designer is to pick out the best of each iteration, keeping the best for the final product. Design a thought experiment as well as a logical filter by which ideas are refined. It seems counterintuitive, but the best path to a good design is being okay with failing. A designer will often make countless designs that will never be seen, but are part of the one successful design.

Designers call this the 'design narrative,' it's the core of what we do.